Raleigh Scuba Lessons

Raleigh Scuba Lessons

Beginner Scuba

Congratulations on taking the first step in learning how to dive! Scuba diving is, even though it sounds corny, a transformational endeavor. At least we thought it was corny the first time we heard our instructor say those words. Several thousand dives later, we can assure you it’s absolutely true. Scuba has changed the way we view the world. Having the opportunity to venture into a place few people ever get to experience is simply beyond words we can put on a website. Our Raleigh scuba lessons help open that world for you to explore. Our classes are designed to make the entire certification process fun, safe, fit your schedule as best as possible, and provide the highest quality of training.

Learning how to scuba dive is a straightforward process. There are 3 steps involved: signing up for elearning/classroom education, filling out waivers & medical questionnaires, and in-water training. Our focus is training safe & knowledgeable divers. You only get your certification once, so being thorough with your training is vital.

Beginner Scuba Lessons FAQ

You've likely heard it from a few different people (including us), scuba diving is fun & easy to learn. Those things are indeed true however scuba diving truly is entering into a brand new world with specific rules on how to traverse it safely. The education process covers a few different subjects such as how the scuba gear works, the effects on your body under pressure, the underwater environment itself, how to communicate effectively and, most importantly, how to react should something not go according to plan.

In the early days of scuba diving, most instructors & educational systems came from the military, so the training tended to be very rigid. RSD takes a different approach which is more collaborative and allows your instructor(s) to work with you through any challenges, provide alternative methods on how to performs skills or tasks, and a supportive environment which encourages questions. Learning to dive should truly be an enjoyable experience, not one where you get barked at when you don't perform a skill properly.

There are 5 basic skill sets you learn during your in-water training:

mask clearing (removing water from your mask)
regulator skills (clearing water, proper breathing, backup systems)
buoyancy systems (ascending, descending & trim)
underwater navigation 
equipment assembly & operation

Our scuba instructors explain how to perform each skill in detail before you ever descend and are there to coach you though the process. Most people need guidance when learning one or more of these skills and that's where the experience of the instructor shines. Being able to accurately explain & slowly demonstrate how to perform each skill is paramount to each student's success. The skills themselves are not hard to learn but do take a little practice to master. This is why we won't ever "rush" a student through training (whether we are in the pool or open water). The skills you learn are what allows you to be a safe diver not only for yourself, but anyone you dive with.

Scuba has dangers like any other recreational sport. The level of danger is dependent on many factors but as a general rule, diving is a safe sport as long as you stay within your training, use gear serviced on a regular schedule and have good training. Diving within your limits is a premise we teach in ALL classes.

We work with several local facilities (both private & city owned pools) in and around the Raleigh area. These pools all have different hours & logistics so your instructor will give you a briefing on those. When you sign up for the class on our calendar, the pool we have reserved will be listed

As part of your class fee, rental of your BCD (Buoyancy Control Device), regulators, tanks, weights & wetsuit are included. Each student will need to purchase their "personal gear" which is masks, fins, boots (if needed) & snorkel. 

You can read more about personal scuba gear costs here.

Excellent! Scuba diving is an amazing sport for curious people. We've taken the time to write up  the most comprehensive FAQ page for beginner divers we've ever seen. If we still missed a question please contact us and we are happy to answer any question you have.

The Certification Process

paperwork icon


As with any organized sport, there is paperwork. While diving is a safe sport, there are certain medical conditions which can be exacerbated by diving.

Therefore, every diver must answer a brief medical questionnaire & sign a waiver prior to beginning scuba lessons. Answering yes to a question isn’t the end of the world, as many times the follow up questions clear you. At worst, you may require a physician sign off before you get into the water.

Every dive agency & instructor has a mandatory paperwork requirement to complete prior to the start of training.

Both forms shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. Start by clicking the button below.

If you have already obtained your e-learning through PADI or SDI, please contact us so we can provide you with a discount code.

Open Water Certification cost is: $599


The first step is often the easiest but hardest, at the same time. To become a certified scuba diver, after you sign up we send over your e-learning materials/code. You can go thru this at your leisure but we do require you complete all materials prior to getting in the water.

Our instructors will verify you’ve completed your elearning, check your test scores and review anything you have questions about (or missed on the test) to insure you are ready for in-water training.

While everyone learns at their own pace, this is generally a 4-6 hour process.

Scuba diving gives you the ability to visit a completely foreign world, and that world has a set of rules that is easy to understand, but does require some education. I like to compare it to driving. If you’ve never seen a car, a road, road signs or watched anyone drive, you wouldn’t last very long on the road.

At any point if you have questions, we are here to help.


Now we get to the fun stuff, the reason you signed up in the first place, we get to go underwater! Before we start your in-water training, we need to fit you with your personal scuba gear. This consists of your mask, fiuns and snorkel.

Please contact us to setup a private fitting appointment.

In-water training is done in 2 sections; pool & open water. You start in a shallow pool while you learn basic scuba skills (breathing underwater, clearing your mask, clearing your regulator, etc). This is for safety so you can stand up at ANY point if you aren’t feeling it. Once you have mastered that, we move you into a deeper pool (10′) to work on skills like buoyancy, swimming, etc.

After you master your skills in the pool, we move to open water. This is done in the ocean during one of our charters or, most often, in our local quarry. This is where you show off your skills to the instructor, and learn a couple more. It’s also where you get your first glimpse of being a true diver; hanging out with the fish and checking out a brand new world.

Pool sessions are 3-4 hours each (you have 2) and open water sessions are 4-5 hours (you have 2). We conduct training over a minimum of 4 days. Read more about how long your open water certification takes.