11 September 2024 0 Comments

Let's be honest, we LOVE scuba diving! It's ingrained into our soul and has changed our lives in a way that is hard to explain. Like many people, before we ever dove we

5 August 2024 0 Comments

Happy 1st birthday to us! Wow.. we realized that, one year ago today, we launched our business (and our group on Facebook). It's hard to believe that was a year ago. Thinking over all the

25 April 2024 0 Comments

One of the most challenging, but also one of the most satisfying skills to master in diving is buoyancy. It’s a skill that requires some thought at first, but after a while it

23 January 2024 0 Comments

For our January meetup, we chose to pair up with a few different groups, all for charity. Raleigh Scuba Diving was proud to participate in the 2024 Polar Plunge. The plunge is hosted

21 November 2023 0 Comments

We are thrilled to announce we are offering a 20% off ANY recreational scuba training class we offer. So if you’re a brand new diver, a seasoned expert or wanting to get started

24 September 2023 0 Comments

 For new divers, mastering the art of equalization can be a daunting task. Equalization is the process of equalizing the pressure inside your ears, sinuses & mask to the surrounding water pressure. Failure

8 September 2023 0 Comments

Whether you are a seasoned diver or just starting out, we're sure you've heard some amazing myths about diving. We’ve heard about people exploding, being eaten by sharks & general horror stories about

24 August 2023 0 Comments

North Carolina might not be immediately associated with amazing scuba diving, but hidden beneath its waters lie intriguing tales of the past waiting to be explored. If you're a wreck diving enthusiast, you're

13 August 2023 0 Comments

We'd like to formally invite you to join us for the official launch of the Raleigh Scuba Classes. Details are below but this is solely a fun gathering allowing us to start off

13 August 2023 Comments Off

Hello world! Shoutout to those who get that joke! We are very proud to announce the official launch of our website, raleighscubadiving.com. We have lots of information on our site about who we